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Stranger South Korean Things / President Park Geun-hye & Choi...
Last post by Peter Daley - July 18, 2018, 07:55:23 PM

Another huge cult story is exploding across Korea. Well, at least there's a cult and a cult leader involved in the scandal's beginnings decades ago.

Below is the start of a collection of links. Lazy blogging I know, but I like lists, and I like having in one place a collection to refer back to later if ever I feel the need. And I think this is a story that can be followed just from the headlines, and there are some great ones with the promise of more to come in the days, weeks, and months ahead. And all this should raise interest in Korean cults in general, of which there is no shortage.

Aug. 15: Original Film Reel: Assassination Attempt On President Park Chung-Hee (Live Leak)

April 29: Former President Park's Son Arrested for Drug Use (The Chosun Ilbo)

Jan. 27: "Is My Dead Father that Frightening?" Park Chung-hee's Son Speaks Out (Chosun Ilbo)

Oct. 24: Assassination of President Park Chung-hee in 1979 (The Korea Times)

June 21: Presidential Hurdles for Park Geun-hye? (The Korea Herald)

Aug. 24: Reliving Yuk Young-soo's Assassination (Korea JoongAng Daily)

Feb. 16: Park Geun-hye's Brother-In-Law Gets Prison Sentence for Defamation (Yonhap News)

July 17: Park Geun-hye's Past & Future (The Hankyoreh)

Aug. 28: Slain Dictator's Daughter Turns to Mother's Legacy in Bid to Lead South Korea (Reuters)

Sept. 2: Mother's Legacy Helps Park Geun-hye in Bid to Lead South Korea (The National)

Dec. 19: Dramatic Life Topped by Election Win (The Korea Herald)
QuoteGeun-ryeong and Ji-man reportedly requested in a letter to then-President Roh Tae-woo in 1990 to "save their sister" from Choi, who they accused of being deceitful. Park's relations with her sister deteriorated in particular as they fought over the operation rights of Yookyoung Foundation in the 1990s.

Park Finds Miracle in Life-or-Death Moment (The Korea Times)
QuotePark was informed of the tragic news while in France. She was 22. The college graduate had planned to stay in the southeastern city of Grenoble at the foot of the French Alps for six months to hone her French. But she had to cut her stay short after being told that "something serious" had happened to her family. At the airport, she saw the front page article in a French newspaper running the story that her mother had been assassinated.

March 25: The Lonely Days of President Park Geun-hye (The Chosun Ilbo)

May 12: South Korea Seeks Journalist's Arrest in Defamation Case (The New York Times)
QuoteIn his reports, Mr. Choo cited a legal dispute between Ms. Park's brother, Park Ji-man, and his brother-in-law revolving around the brother-in-law's accusations that Mr. Park had plotted to kill him and had hired as a hit man the Park relative found dead. (The brother-in-law, the husband of the Parks' estranged younger sister, lost the case and served time in prison for slandering Mr. Park.)

Sept. 20: S. Korea Wins Gold in Team Dressage Equestrian at Asiad (Yonhap News)

Undated Interview with Choi's Daughter:

Oct. 14: Ex-President's Daughter in Moonie Mass Wedding (Chosun Ilbo)

Oct. 15: Satire is Another Casualty of Pres. Park's war on Free Speech (The Hankyoreh)

Oct. 23: Province Vows Legal Response to Change of Venue (KCTV Jeju)

Oct. 24: Artist Arrested for Satirical Flyers of President Park (Korea Bang)

Dec. 3: Pres. Park's Former Aide & His Wife May be at the Center of Ongoing Scandal (The Hankyoreh)

Dec. 4: Park's Brother Embroiled in Influence-Peddling Allegations (The Korea Times)

Dec. 10: Park Ji-man Expected to Depart for Southeast Asia Soon (The Kyunghyang Shinmun)
QuoteConcerning her younger brother, the president stressed, "Ji-man and his wife have never visited Cheong Wa Dae and will not come until the end of my term. After witnessing how previous presidents managed their relatives, I forbade Ji-man and his wife from coming to Cheong Wa Dae."

Dec. 11: In South Korea, Journalists Fear a Government Clampdown on the Press (The Washington Post)

Dec. 15: S. Korean Leader Facing Crisis Over Allegations (Daily Mail)
The Blue House's Role in a Heartbreaking Suicide (The Hankyoreh)

Dec. 16: Blue House Links Questioned as Scandal Grows (Korea JoongAng Daily)
President's Brother Called in Probe (Korea JoongAng Daily)

Dec. 17: Prosecutors in Report Scandal Keep Eye on Cops (Korea JoongAng Daily)

Dec. 18: Time for Prosecutors to Get Real about State Interference by the "Secret Circle" (The Hankyoreh)
QuoteThe allegations of involvement by Chung's wife Choi Sun-sil (who has since changed her name to Choi Seo-won) shouldn't be taken lightly either. The closeness of Choi's relationship to Park has some suggesting she, rather than her husband, could be the one behind the MCST meddling. Indeed, while Chung has denied being involved himself (he was Park's Chief of Staff when she was a second-term lawmaker), he was less adamant about the possibility that his wife was. "That I don't know," he was reported as saying when asked about it. There's also talk about frequent Blue House visits by Choi - and about a Presidential Security Service staffer being replaced when he raised questions about them.

Jan. 14: South Korean Activist Is Arrested Over Remarks About North (The New York Times)
QuoteEver since Ms. Park took office two years ago, her critics have charged her government with using legal channels to clamp down on free speech, especially about matters concerning Ms. Park and her family. ...

And late last year, several of Ms. Park's presidential aides filed a defamation lawsuit against the local daily Segye Ilbo after it reported internal documents leaked from her office. Some of the documents contained allegations that the aides — as well as Chung Yoon-hoi, the man Mr. Park was rumored to have met in secret in April — had conspired to promote people they favored in her government.

Ms. Park's government called the allegations "groundless rumors." During her New Year's news conference on Monday, she accused those spreading such rumors of causing national confusion.

Jan 25: Blue House Leak on Park's Former Aide Fabricated (The Korea Herald)

Jan. 28: Newspaper Editor Gets Fined for Defaming President Park (The Korea Times)
QuoteIn the article published ahead of the 2012 presidential election, Baek cited rumors that President Park and late pastor Choi Tae-min had an illegitimate son together.

Aug. 19: When Korea Lost a First Lady, I lost An In-Law & Friend (Korea JoongAng Daily)
Aug. 21, 2015: First Lady's Death Alters Politics (Korea JoongAng Daily)

Sept. 10: President's Assassin Struggled for Power (Korea JoongAng Daily)

Oct. 20: President Park Geun-hye: An Eternal Girl With a Father Complex (The Hankyoreh)

Oct. 27: Thousands Mark Anniversary of Park Chung-hee's Death (Chosun Ilbo)

Nov. 5: Remembering the Good Sides of Park Chung Hee (Korea JoongAng Daily)

Dec. 11: Top Court Convicts Pop Artist Over Satirical Poster (The Korea Times)
QuoteLee was also charged for his satirical portrayals of politicians including former president Lee Myung-bak and incumbent President Park Geun-hye
Stranger South Korean Things / Park Hyun-jung & The Seoul Phi...
Last post by Peter Daley - July 18, 2018, 07:38:27 AM
Following hot on the heels of the Suzuki violin scandal comes another music-related scandal, this one involving allegations of sexual harassment and general dictator-like behaviour against the president of the Seoul Philharmonic, Ms Park Jyun-jung:

Dec. 2, 2014: Seoul Philharmonic CEO Under Fire for Sexual Harassment Allegations (The Korea Observer)
QuotePark Hyun-jung, president and CEO of the Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra, is under fire over allegations that she sexually harassed employees, verbally assaulted them and abused her power in hiring and promotion decisions.

Insiders of the Seoul-government funded orchestra say Park tried to touch a male employee's genital area in October last year by pulling him by his necktie at a public dinner gathering after drinking an excessive amount of alcohol. "From the look of you, I think you will do well as a (bar) hostess," she was also quoted as saying to a female employee during a meeting.

A petition filed against her reveals that Park told two other female employees at the meeting that they should serve important guests by sitting next to them and doing the duty of bar girls.
Dec. 3: Orchestra president hit by flurry of accusations (Korea Joongang Daily)
QuoteEmployees from the Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra released a statement on Tuesday appealing for the expulsion of Park Hyun-jung, their current president, insisting that their 52-year-old leader had violated their human rights. Park was appointed to head the city-run orchestra in February 2013. Her term expires in January 2016.

Seventeen employees among 30 from the management department of the Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra insisted in their release that Park's "abusive language and sexual harassment" was in violation of their personal rights and that she had "consistently abused her authority on human resources affairs." ...

Since Park's appointment in February, 13 employees have left the company, according to the statement, which accounts for 48 percent of those employed in the management department. The press release also described in detail how Park had supposedly insulted and harassed her subordinates.

The document stated that Park had reiterated on several occasions to employees transferred to new departments that "if any damages occur in regard to the orchestra, you will have to sell your organs, because you won't be able to pay [that debt] on your salary."

She also reportedly told female employees to "go out and sell records wearing miniskirts," and that they would be "better working as barmaids." The statement went on to note that Park abused her authority as a president by revising the organization's provision of personnel, and hiring her friends' children or her students without going through proper employment channels.

Additionally, the employees accused Park of destroying the image of one of the oldest orchestras in Korea, and provided detailed accounts of times when she had insulted workers at official events. The statement went on to say that one foreign representative had relayed to internationally renowned maestro Chung Myung-hun, the orchestra's music director, concern over Park's negative attitude.

Sponsors for the Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra have also turned their backs, according to the employees. The statement illustrated the sudden drop in the number of members within the orchestra's sponsor group, SPO Patrons. There were originally 44 members when Park was appointed, but that number has since dropped to 11, the statement said. ...
Dec. 11: Orchestra's Director Responds to Scandal (Korea Joongang Daily)
QuoteInternationally renowned maestro Chung Myung-whun, the Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra's artistic director and its principal conductor, spoke out Wednesday morning in front of orchestra members about the recent scandal engulfing the organization's president. Chung returned to Seoul early Wednesday morning from Vienna, where he was participating in rehearsals for other recitals.

Chung discussed allegations surrounding the organization's president, Park Hyun-jung, whose employees have accused of sexual and verbal harassment, with about 100 orchestra members before starting rehearsal, according to Yonhap News Agency.

"[I'm not a] person who is aware of what's going on in the administrative department of the orchestra. However, the issue is a clear violation of human rights [against the employees in the administrative department]," he said, adding that "such attitude is not acceptable."

Chung said he had been alerted more than a year ago about Park's conduct toward her staff. "[I heard that] she would call in staff members and scold them severely, treating them without [respect or dignity]," he continued. He went on to explain that "some employees said they would put up with her attitude, but then they began to quit one after another."

Chung added that he could not tolerate her behavior any longer and had told Seoul Mayor Park Won-soon about six weeks ago that he would quit unless Park was expelled. ...
Dec. 11: CEO and President of the Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra Hyun-jung Park Accused of Sexual Harassment, Holds Press Conference, Accuses Art Director Myung-Whun Chung of Staging A Coup (Classical Lite)
QuoteTensions continue to rise in Seoul as president and CEO of the Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra Hyun-jung Park, who was recently accused of sexually harassing and verbally abusing her employees, goes head to head with art director and principle conductor Myung-Whun Chung, who she claims is organizing a coup against her.

Park, who held a press conference Friday, Dec. 5, denied allegations and accused Chung of starting a petition for her removal. She shared that there were documents from audits that track the director's unethical activities and listed four different cases of complaints about his conduct. At the press conference, she personally listed cases where she believed Chung had abused his authoritative power.

These statements come on the tail of recent allegations made against Park's unethical behavior. Hyun Jung Park made history when she became the first female president and CEO of the Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra in February 2013.

But 17 of the Seoul Philharmonic's employees testified in a petition that Park constantly abused them, with one male employee claiming that she had too much to drink at a public dinner gathering and grabbed him by the necktie, attempting to touch his genitals. Three female employees said Park suggested they offer themselves sexually, telling one she would be a good hostess and the other two that they should sit next to important male guests and accommodate their needs.

Many employees said she would often swear at them, threaten to deduct money from their paychecks and say things such as, "You should sell your organs to make up for corporate losses." She has also been accused of unethical hiring and promoting decisions, basing career advancement on connections rather than merit.

When she became president and CEO of the SPO, she intended to restructure the organization and change the business culture. Apparently, Park had an aggressive style of running business that her employees did not like. Due to the conflict and tension between herself and employees, Park became verbally abusive toward them. She explained, "It seems that I thought I could use that kind of language."

She seemed to want to clarify the accusations that she treated her female employees like bar hostesses, saying, "I can't remember accurately but I've never even once referred to myself as a 'madam' [a female pimp for prostitutes]." She continued, "I can't give a definite answer like this. I should have used a bit more refined language, and no matter how despaired I felt or how difficult it was, I should have done better. If there is anyone who felt pain during that time, I feel very apologetic."

But Chung has told the mayor of Seoul he will quit as music director of the philharmonic unless Park is dismissed. After briefing the orchestra at rehearsal, Chung told journalists that "the issue is a clear violation of human rights ... such attitude is not acceptable."
Dec. 23: Seoul Set to Fire Seoul Phil Chief for Sexual Harassment (Yonhap News)
QuoteThe city of Seoul said Tuesday it will soon decide whether to dismiss the president of the city-run orchestra after confirming sexual harassment and verbal abuse allegations raised against the female head.

Members of the Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra have accused President Park Hyun-hung of repeatedly harassing them sexually and verbally since taking office in February last year.

"In the near future, the board of the Seoul Phil will decide whether to dismiss President Park," a city official said as the city's human rights officer announced the result of an investigation into the rights violation allegations. ...

Park strongly denied the city probe result. "It is not true. It is something like a fabrication, distortion and exaggeration," Park told Yonhap News Agency. "Nobody believes my words when (the allegations) are considered to be facts just because it is the opinion of the majority." Park said she will consider counteractions, including a libel action or administrative litigation, against the city. ...
Stranger South Korean Things / The Korean Professor Who Force...
Last post by Peter Daley - July 18, 2018, 07:37:45 AM
I'm rarely surprised by disturbing acts of dominance and compliance, but this is a story I had to read twice to make sure I didn't read it wrong. 

July 14: South Korean Police Say Professor Fed Former Student Feces (Associated Press)
Professor Arrested for Torturing Student (The Korea Times)

July 15: Professor Detained After Torturous Assault Claims (Korea JoongAng Daily)

Nov. 26: Abusive Ex-Professor Gets 12 Years in Prison (The Korea Times)
Stranger South Korean Things / Korea's LGBT Festivals & Their...
Last post by Peter Daley - July 18, 2018, 07:37:02 AM
The recent Korean Queer festival sure drew out the extremist element of Korean Christianity. I attended the opening ceremony a few weeks ago and have been quietly collecting links for this thread. The festival culminated in a parade last Sunday (June 28). I only had time for a quick visit, but there have been some disturbingly great photos and videos shared on Facebook and Twitter etc. of the day. The event was a soap opera behind the scenes as nutty Christian groups did their best/worst to stop the event from taking place with outstanding displays of hatred, intolerance, and general sneakiness. I have a lot of links, videos, and photos bookmarked and saved to share. I'll start with a few news items and gradually expand up this thread over the next week or so:

May 29: South Korean Gay Pride Event Sparks Bitter Standoff With Christians (The Diplomat)
QuoteA planned gay pride festival has become the latest flashpoint of conflict between South Korean LGBT activists and conservative Christians, with the religious protestors attempting to book the venue to stop the event. Protestant groups have vigorously opposed plans to hold a LGBT pride parade at Seoul Plaza on June 28, physically blocking applications for the necessary permits.

On May 21, police announced they would accept applications for public events at the end of June on a first-come, first-served basis at Namdaemun Police Station. This prompted a group calling itself the "Love Your Country, Love Your Children Movement" to queue outside the station indefinitely to prevent the festival organizers from applying for a permit.
June 3: South Korea, at Behest of Conservative Christians, Bans LGBT March (The Washington Post)

June 11: Korean Queer Festival Sparks Social Contention (The Diplomat)
QuoteThe event is not without its critics. Most active among them are conservative Christian groups. Such groups have actively sought to stifle the festival's events. As previously covered by The Diplomat, the "Love Your Country, Love Your Children Movement" went so far as to physically block LGBT activists from applying for the necessary permit to host a pride parade at Seoul Plaza by queuing indefinitely outside the police station, where applications are submitted.

The conservative Christian group was successful, insofar as they were able to prevent the LGBT activists from obtaining a permit. The police decided not to issue a permit, claiming a parade would likely disrupt traffic.
June 12: Seoul's Pride Events Are Off To A Pretty Terrible Start (Buzz Feed)
Non-affirming Christians Demand "Fags Out" of Korea at Queer Festival (Korea Observer)
QuotePeter Daley talked with one protester holding a sign in English that said "People['s] body is the temple of god – not for homosexuality." "Her main concern, apart from the 'sin' aspect, is the declining birth rate so I asked her if she plans to have lots of kids," Peter said. "My husband doesn't want children," she replied.
June 14: Global NGO Asks Park to Allow Gay Parade (The Korea Times)

June 16: South Korea Court Rules in Favor of Gay Pride Parade (Business Insider)
QuoteSouth Korea's gay pride organisers have won a court battle against conservatives and police seeking to block their parade celebrating sexual minorities late this month, they said Wednesday.

The Seoul Administrative Court on Tuesday ruled in favor of parade organisers, invalidating a police ban on the parade imposed last month. Police had cited public safety concerns and traffic disruptions as the reasons behind the ban. "Assemblies can be prohibited only when they directly threaten public order," the court said in a statement.

It also noted that the organisers of the annual parade had long been preparing for the event and therefore would suffer great damage should the event be scrapped.
June 28: Thousands Gather for South Korea's Gay Pride Parade (NDTV)

Christian extremists start a fight Seoul Pride

Seoul police remove homophobes from pride festival

July 1: The Hate (Sabrina Constance)
QuoteMany of these bigoted cult members were chanting the most heinous things, some were speaking in tongues, others were abusive to the police in the area. I myself was in a confrontation with a cop who appeared to be taking the side of some of the people who had just attacked me last Sunday.
SEOULcast Extras: "The Hate"
Stranger South Korean Things / Re: Nut Gate/Nut Rage: Korean ...
Last post by Peter Daley - July 18, 2018, 07:34:36 AM
Nov. 20: Nut Rage Whistle-Blower Says Korean Air Retaliated Against Him (The New York Times)

Dec. 21: Top Court Acquits Korean Air Heiress in Nut Rage Case (The Korea Times)

March 27: Nut Rage Cho Set to Make Comeback (The Korea Times)

April 13: Police Looking into Water Rage Incident (The Korea Times)
Korean Air Family Discovers Bottle Rage (Korea JoongAng Daily)

April 14: Police Take Up Bottle Rage Incident (Korea JoongAng Daily)

April 15: Korean Air heiress Returns Home to Barrage of Criticisms & Probe for Violence (The Korea Herald)
With Nut Rage Sisters, Korean Air is Nowhere to be Seen (The Korea Times)
Recording Reveals Korean Air Water Rage Heiress in New Angry Outburst (The Korea Times)

April 16: Korean Air Heiress Lawyers Up (The Korea Herald)
Nut Rage Sisters Feared to Fan Anti-Biz Sentiment (The Korea Times)

April 17: Police Seek Travel Ban for Korean Air Heiress (The Korea Times)

April 18: Korean Air Faces Complaints Over Its Corporate Title & Identity (The Korea Herald)

April 19: Rage Probe: Police Search Korean Air Headquarters (The Korea Times)
Korean Air Under Investigation (The Korea Times)

April 20: Water Rage' Scandal Escalates into Customs Probe (The Korea Herald)
How Korean Air's Cho Family Smuggled Their Stuff (The Korea Herald)
KAL Owners Used Planes to Smuggle Private Goods (The Korea Times)
Past Comes Back to Haunt Korean Air's Cho Family (The Investor - Korea Herald)

April 21: Chos Allegedly Smuggled Sausages & Furniture (Korea JoongAng Daily)

April 22: Korean Air Rage Sisters Removed From Management (The Korea Times)
Korean Air Chief Apologizes & Fires Daughters Over Water Rage (The Korea Herald)

April 23: Korean Air Ousts Nut Rage Heiress & Her Sister (CNN)
Korean Air Chief's Wife Under Probe Over Assaults (The Korea Times)
Korean Air Family Under Siege Despite Father's Apology (The Korea Herald)

April 25: Officials Seek Evidence of Alleged Tax Evasion by Korean Air Owning Family (The Korea Herald)
Mother's Violent Outburst Raises Pressure on Chos (Korea JoongAng Daily)
Korean Air Chairman Accused of Excessive Disciplinary Action (The Korea Herald)

April 28: Korean Air Heiress to be Questioned Tuesday (The Korea Times)

April 30: Ex-Korean Air Heiress in Infamous Nut Rage Case Faces Divorce Battle (The Korea Herald)
Korean Air Nut Rage Heiress Facing Divorce Lawsuit (The Korea Times)
Korean Air Workers to Rise Up in Arms Against Abusive Chairman Family (The Korea Times)

May 1: Nut Rage Sister Faces Fruit Juice Questions in S. Korea (New Straits Times)

May 2: Korean Air Heiress Denies Assault Allegations (The Korea Times)

May 4: Ediya Coffee Terminates Contract With Korean Air Heiresses (The Korea Herald)
Korean Air: Masked Staff Protest Against Company Family (BBC News)
Korean Air Staff Protest Against Nut Rage Family (Reuters)
Prosecution Rejects Korean Air Heiress' Arrest Warrant Over Alleged Assault

May 11: Immigration Officials Raid Korean Air in Connection with Alleged Illegal Employment (The Korea Herald)

May 14: Korean Air Purser Booked for Slapping Security Guard Out of Irritation (The Korea Herald)
Immigration begins investigating Cho Family (Korea JoongAng Daily)

May 16: Korean Air Raided Over Alleged Foreign Exchange Law Violation (The Korea Times)

May 21: Korean Air Chief's Wife to be Quizzed Over Alleged Abuse on May 28 (The Korea Times)

May 24: Korean Air Heiress Questioned Over Filipino Housekeepers (The Korea Times)

May 27: Korean Air Chief's Wife to be Quizzed Monday Over Alleged Abuse (The Korea Times)

May 30: Korean Air Chairman's Son to be Probed Over Illicit College Admission (The Korea Times)

July 2: Arrest Warrant Requested for Korean Air Chief (The Korea Times)

July 9: Asiana & Korean Air Employees Hold Joint Rally Against Their Bosses (The Korea Herald)

Sept. 21: Korean Air Chief Questioned on New Charges (Korea JoongAng Daily)
Stranger South Korean Things / Re: Nut Gate/Nut Rage: Korean ...
Last post by Peter Daley - July 18, 2018, 07:34:12 AM
Jan. 1: Vengeful Text Message Casts Light on Younger Cho (Korea JoongAng Daily)

Jan. 2: Korean Air Heiress Pleads Terminal Confusion (The Chosun Ilbo)

Jan. 6: Korean Air Chief Promises to Reform Business Culture (The Chosun Ilbo)
Former Korean Air VP to Be Indicted Over Nut Rage (Yonhap News)

Jan. 7: Ex-Korean Air VP to Stand Trial Over In-Flight Nut Row (The Korea Herald)
Korean Air Heiress Faces Further Charge (The Korea Herald)

Jan. 21: Korean Air Heiress Denies Violating Aviation Rules (The Chosun Ilbo)

Feb. 2: Cho Beat Crew, Korean Air chief Steward Tells Court (The Korea Herald)

Flight Attendant 'Pressured to Sanitize Nut Rage Account
(The Chosun Ilbo)
SK Prosecutors Seek three Years' Prison for Nut Rage Woman (The Guardian)
3-Year Jail Term Sought for Ex-Vice President of Korean Air (The Korea Herald)

Feb. 3: Purser Testifies in Nut Rage Trial (Chosun Ilbo)
Flight Attendant Job Loses Luster After Nut Rage (The Chosun Ilbo)

Feb. 4: Prosecutors Ask Court to Put Nut Rage Heiress in Jail for 3 Years (Korea JoongAng Daily)
Korean Air Heiress in Tearful Court Appearance (The Chosun Ilbo)

Feb. 8: Cho Hyun-ah Involved in the Entire Investigation Process (The Kyunghyang Shinmun)

Feb. 9: Nut Rage Purser Takes More Sick Leave (Chosun Ilbo)

Feb. 10: Nut Rage in SK Spotlights Culture of Punishing Long Hours (The Christian Science Monitor)

Feb. 12: Korean Air Heiress Gets 1 year in Jail (The Korea Herald)
Heather Cho Still Has No Sense of Guilt (The Korea Times)

Feb. 13: Korean Air Heiress Appeals Nut Rage Conviction (Yonhap News)
Editorial: Lessons From Nut Rage (The Korea Herald)
Korean Air Heiress Guilty in Nut Rage Trial (The Chosun Ilbo)

Feb. 15: Nut Rage Prompts SK to Consider Law Against High-Handed Conduct (Reuters)

Feb. 16: Korean Air Heiress Deposited W200 Million With Court (The Chosun Ilbo)

Feb. 23: Prosecution Appeals Guilty Verdict of Korean Air Heiress (Yonhap news)

March 11: Nut Rage Victim Files Civil Suit in US (The Korea Herald)
Korean Air to Mull Measures Against US Suit After Review (Yonhap News)

March 12: Flight Attendant Sues Korean Air Heiress Over Nut Rage (The Chosun Ilbo)

March 20: Korean Air Also Admits Wrong Passengers (Chosun Ilbo)

April 1: Korean Air Heiress Pleads for Mercy (The Korea Times)

April 21: Korean Air Heiress Appeals for Clemency The Chosun Ilbo)

May 21: Korean Air Heiress to Get Appeals Verdict on Nut Rage Case Friday (The Korea Herald)

May 22: Ex-Korean Air Executive Freed (Yonhap News)
Korean Air Heiress Sprung from Jail (The Chosun Ilbo)

May 23: Court Suspends Prison Term for Cho (Korea JoongAng Daily)

May 29: Nut Rage Heiress Faces Another Appeal (The Chosun Ilbo)

June 18: Nut Rage Heiress Could Return to Korean Air (The Chosun Ilbo)

July 14: Korean Air Heiress Wants Nut Rage Trial Here (The Korea Times)
Ex-Korean Air VP Asks US Court to Dismiss Nut Rage Case-Related Lawsuit (The Korea Herald)

July 31: Korean Air Nut Rage Executive Wants Lawsuit Moved to South Korea (UPI)
Stranger South Korean Things / Nut Gate/Nut Rage: Korean Air'...
Last post by Peter Daley - July 18, 2018, 07:33:47 AM
I've been meaning to create a board here for a while now for people who act cultishly but who aren't necessarily leaders or members of cults. And by "act cultish" I mean lie, threaten, scam, abuse authority/power, commit acts of violence (mental, physical, and sexual), and all the other usual suspects.

Let's begin at the beginning were it all started. A very nice place to start:

Dec. 8: Korean Air Scion Faces Probe for Bad In-Flight Behavior (The Korea Times)
Gov't to Review Korean Air Heiress' Discipline of Flight Crew (Yonhap News)

Dec. 9: Korean Air Chief Apologizes for Daughter's Action, Pledges to Take Appropriate Steps (Yonhap News)

Dec. 10: Nut Rage Spat Latest Stumble for Korean Air Family (Associated Press)

Dec. 11: Gov't Calls in Korean Air VP for Questioning Over 'Nut Rage' (Yonhap News)
Korean Air Forces Purser to Give False Statement & Screens Flight Attendants' KakaoTalk Messages (The Kyunghyang Shinmun)
Airline Heiress Resigns Vice Presidency Over 'Nut Rage' (The Chosun Ilbo)
Korean Air Executive Resigns over Nuts on a Plate Row (CNN)

Here is her biography as it appeared on Nanyang Technological University's website on Dec. 13.
QuoteHeather CHO
Executive Vice President, Korean Air
Chief Executive Officer, KAL Hotel Network

Ms Heather Cho is the Executive Vice President for Korean Air, the national carrier and largest airline of South Korea, where she manages the Catering and In-flight Sales Business, Cabin Service and Hotel Business divisions.

Since joining the company in 1999, Ms Cho has been actively involved in establishing a new corporate identity for Korean Air. This includes newly designed uniforms with the collaboration of GianFranco Ferre, new cabin interiors and caterings as well as the successful launch of the Airbus A380.

Ms Cho is also the Chief Executive Officer of KAL Hotel Network, a hoteling affiliate of Korean Air. Korean Air has five hotel properties: two in Jeju Island, one at Incheon International Airport, and two in Los Angeles and Hawaii. Under her leadership, Hyatt Regency Incheon was successfully opened on September, 2003. It has demonstrated one of the best business performances worldwide among the Hyatt chain, and is still growing rapidly.

Apart from managing all these hotels, Ms Cho is also in charge of three new projects, which include the development the second Hyatt Hotel (Incheon, Korea), the rebuilding of Wilshire Grand Hotel in Los Angeles, and the development of a luxury hotel in downtown Seoul.
Ms Cho is a graduate of the Cornell University School of Hotel Administration in Ithaca, New York. She also holds a Master of Business Administration degree from the University of Southern California.

Dec. 12: Confusion at JFK as Korean Air Nut Incident Broke( Reuters)
Korean Air Chief Apologizes for Daughter's Actions (The Korea Herald)
Korean Air Scandal Escalates (Chosun Ilbo)
Korean Air Headquarters Raided in 'Nut Rage' Probe (The Korea Times)
QuoteIt is also alleged that the airline company inspected the phone message records of flight attendants in hopes of discovering the identity of a whistleblower, and there were concerns that those attendants may be pressured not to give testimony against Cho.

Dec. 12: Former Korean Air VP Asks for Forgiveness Over 'Nut Rage' (Yonhap News)

Dec. 13: Uproar Prompts Koreans to Buy Macadamia Nuts (Korea JoongAng Daily)

Dec. 14: 'I Kneeled Before Her': Flight Attendant Reveals Full Extent of 'Nut Rage'(Sydney Morning Herald)
Former Korean Air Executive Visits Air Stewards (BBC News)

Dec. 14: Ex-Korean Air VP Apologizes to Crew Members Over 'Nut Rage' (Yonhap News)

Dec. 15: Korean Air heiress could be facing arrest warrant (Korea JoongAng Daily)

Dec. 15: Prosecutors to Question Former Korean Air VP Over 'Nut Rage' (Yonhap News)
Heather Cho Likely to Face Trial (The Korea Times)

Dec. 16: Korean Air to Face Heavy Sanctions After Nut Incident (The Korea Herald)

And just when you thought this couldn't get any better, the New York Times comes to the rescue:

Dec. 16: Korean Air Faces Flight Suspensions Over Executive's Snack Tantrum
The New York Times
QuoteSome of those Korean Air officials asked janitors at the government building to clean the women's restroom again because Ms. Cho would most likely use it, the local media reported this week. A Korean Air spokesman said he could not immediately confirm or deny the reports. ...

I like this piece about nepotism in these huge Korean companies (chaebals), but I'm surprised no one has mentioned Yoo Byung-eun in relation to "nut rage". The Sewol ferry sinking can also be blamed on nepotism/corruption, in that case inside a criminal cult as opposed to a "legit" (cough cough) chaebal. It was only the biggest story of the year. If the sinking of the Sewol didn't diminish nepotism, what chance does a bag of nuts have?

Dec. 15: End Rampant Nepotism in Family-Run Conglomerates

Dec 17: Korean Air's Former VP Summoned Over Nut Rage (The Korea Herald)

Dec. 18: Korean Air Heiress Denies Flouting Aviation Laws (The Chosun Ilbo)

Dec. 19: Korean Air Execs Slapped with Travel Bans (Chosun Ilbo)
Nut-rage Heiress Grilled for More than 12 Hours (Korea JoongAng Daily)

Dec. 20: Korean Air Grilled Over Cover-Up (The Korea Herald)

Dec. 22: Korean Air Heiress Suspected of Evidence Tampering (Chosun Ilbo)

Dec. 23: Airline Heiress' Sister Blunders into 'Nut Rage' Fray (Chosun Ilbo)
Ex-Korean Air Exec Faces Arrest Over 'Nut Rage' (The Korea Times)
Prosecution to Seek Arrest Warrant for Korean Air Heiress (The Korea Herald)
Prosecution to Seek Arrest Warrant for Former Korean Air VP (Yonhap News)
Arrest warrant sought for former Korean Air VP (Yonhap News)

Dec. 24: Prosecutors Seek Arrest Warrant for Korean Air Heiress (The Chosun Ilbo)

Dec. 25: Offical Arrested in Nut Rage Probe (The Korea Herald)

Dec. 26: Civic Group Asks Prosecution to Probe Free Upgrades by Korean Air (Yonhap News)
Korean Air Business Drops (The Chosun Ilbo)

Dec. 28: Ministry Under Fire for Flight Upgrades (The Korea Herald)

Dec. 30: Korean Air Heiress Arrested (The Korea Herald)
Eight Ministry Officials to Be Disciplined Over Nut Rage (Chosun Ilbo)

Dec. 31: Korean Air Heiress Arrested (The Chosun Ilbo)
Korean Air Ex-VP's Sister Slammed For Vowing Revenge Over Nut Rage (Yonhap News)
Stranger South Korean Things / Re: Electronic Anklets for Kor...
Last post by Peter Daley - July 17, 2018, 05:56:25 PM
Jan. 13: Bungled Approach To Sex Crimes (The Korea Times)

April 25: South Korea Allows Chemical Castration Of Sex Offenders (Opposing Views)

Oct. 25: Korea to Implement Next-Gen Ankle Monitors to Prevent Crime (Korea Bizwire)

July 18: Government Seeks to Expand Chemical Castration (The Korea Herald)

July 19: Attempted Rape & Voyeurism to be Punished With Chemical Castration Under New Reforms (Korea Biz Wire)

July 28: Peeping Toms Face Chemical Castration (The Korea Times)

Oct. 19: NK Defector & Ex-Con Caught 78 Days After Fleeing Mental Hospital (The Korea Herald)
QuoteAfter serving a jail term for the attempted murder of his half brother, he had been ordered by a court to 10 years of medical treatment for delusions. He escaped from the hospital in Naju on Aug. 1, breaking the electric anklet he had been ordered to wear.

Dec. 3: Criminals Can Now Be Chemically Castrated For Attempting Rape in South Korea (Next Shark)

Dec. 21: Parliament OKs Bill Allowing Chemical Castration of Attempted Rapists (Yonhap News)

April 10: Sex Offender Fled Abroad While Wearing Ankle Monitor (The Korea Herald)

April 11: Man With Anklet Evades Security at Incheon (Korea JoongAng Daily)
Loopholes in Police & Airport Security (The Korea Times)

April 20: Despite Ankle Monitors, Ex-Cons Fly Under Radar (Korea JoongAng Daily)

Dec. 27: Convicted Sex Offender Caught for Rape Attempt (The Korea Herald)
Stranger South Korean Things / Electronic Anklets for Korean ...
Last post by Peter Daley - July 17, 2018, 05:55:44 PM
August 27: Sex Offenders to Wear Electronic Anklet (The Korea Times)
QuoteThe government said it will oblige certain convicted sex offenders to wear an electronic monitoring anklet from Sept. 1. The Ministry of Justice said about 300 sex offenders will be subject to the round-the-clock monitoring program. Offenders who sexually abused children aged 13 or younger and repeat offenders will have to wear the electronic gadget after a judge endorses the request from prosecutors. They will be under surveillance for up to 10 years after their release from prison. Offenders released on parole and those who receive suspended jail terms will be monitored as well.

Nathan Schwartzman offered these thoughts:

QuoteThis article fails to mention any criticism of this system so I'll just go ahead and do it for them. Most sex offenses are not committed against strangers. Someone could molest their niece or rape their girlfriend and the monitoring bracelet would go right on telling the cops that everything is hunky-dory. In fact inasmuch as these bracelets continue to feed people the mistaken perception that sexual assault is typically committed against strangers they actually undermine the efforts of victims of acquaintance crimes to get recognition. In 2006 Slate ran a very good piece on the subject: "Tracking Sex Offenders with GPS".

Aug. 28: Sex Offenders Getting Monitoring Bracelets (Asian Correspondent)

Sept. 29: Electronic Anklets Set to Track Sex Offenders (Korea JoongAng Daily)

July 13: More Sex Criminals to Wear Electronic Anklets (The Korea Times)

July 14: Anklets to be Clamped on 6,916 Sex Offenders (Korea JoongAng Daily)
QuoteAccording to the Ministry of Justice and the Supreme Prosecutors' Office yesterday, 6,916 convicted men will be given electronic monitoring anklets. All of them are felons who have served time since July 16, 2007, for sexual offenses. They include people who received two or more jail terms for sex crimes; people who repeated a sexual offense within five years after their release; and people convicted of sexual crimes against a minor under the age of 13.

July 16: Electronic Monitoring for Sex Criminals Made Retroactive (The Chosun Ilbo)

August 9: Prosecution Locks Anklets on Past Sex Criminals (Korea Herald)

June 13:  Rapist's Anklet Fails to Prevent Repeat Offenses (Sex Offender Issues)
QuoteA convicted sex offender who was cuffed with an electronic monitoring anklet allegedly committed more sexual assaults, Gangnam police said yesterday, raising doubts on the effectiveness of the security devices. Police said the offender, identified by the surname [name withheld], had been sentenced to five years in prison in 2005 for rape and was released in October 2010. Since then, he has been on probation and has been wearing the monitoring anklet.

According to police, after he was released, [name withheld] lived in a two-room apartment arranged by a religious group, where his wife and five homeless people were already living. In his new home, police said, [name withheld] sexually assaulted a 10-year-old girl, and raped a 47-year-old homeless woman three times in February and March. He also sexually assaulted the woman's 21-year-old son, who reported him to the police Tuesday. Police arrested [name withheld] Tuesday. ...

Dec. 27: Court Rules Retroactive Electronic Anklet Law Constitutional (Yonhap News)

Sept. 1: Korea to Expand Chemical Castration for Sex Offenders (The Korea Times)

June 18: South Korea Toughens Sex Crimes Law (Wall St. Journal Blogs)

August 17: Anklets Prove to be Ineffective (The Korea Times)
Quote... It is mandatory for convicted sex offenders to wear the electronic tags for designated periods of time after they are released from prison. They are also required not to leave their residential areas without being granted special permission to do so from their probation officers. ...

Sept 3: Murderers, Rapists May Be Placed Under Protective Custody
QuoteThe Ministry of Justice said Wednesday that it will forward the "Protective Custody" bill, which authorizes the court to place criminals under custody even after they serve their period of incarceration, to the National Assembly by the end of this year. In the bill, criminals who commit murder more than twice or sexual assault more than three times will be subject to the protective custody. ...

April 22: Convicted Rapist on Loose (The Korea Times)
QuoteA convicted rapist, identified only by his surname Park, 30, has disappeared without a trace after allegedly managing to disable his electronic monitoring anklet, according to police Wednesday. The police immediately began a manhunt for him by tracking Park's mobile phone signal, but his whereabouts are still unknown. .... Park was sentenced to six years in prison on a charge of raping prostitutes in 2006. He was previously convicted nine times of various violations. Park was released from prison in 2012 and ordered to wear an electronic monitoring anklet from last year.
That's odd he was only required to wear the anklet from 2014 after being released two years earlier. I wonder what the hold up was? A paperwork backlog?

May 15: Sex Criminal Reoffends While Wearing Tag (The Korea Herald)

Oct. 3: 90% of Violent Crime Victims Are Women (The Chosun Ilbo)
QuoteCriminologist Yeom Geon-ryong said, "In the U.S. rapists face tough sentences of more than 50 years behind bars, while China executes people who rape juveniles." Yeom added, "We need to introduce tougher penalties on rapists."
Stranger South Korean Things / Re: Violence Against Women In ...
Last post by Peter Daley - July 17, 2018, 05:48:32 PM
2018 Continued

April 2: Man Held After Taking Girl Hostage at Seoul School (The Korea Times)

April 2: Police Subdue Man in Hostage-Taking of School Girl (Yonhap News)

April 2: Comedian Kim Saeng-min Apologizes for Sexual Misconduct (The Korea Times)

April 3: Man Holds Girl Hostage at School (Korea JoongAng Daily)

April 3: School Hostage Suspect Says it was on God's Order (The Korea Times)

April 3: Woman Hyundai Motor Executive Resigns Amid #MeToo Wave (Reuters)

April 4: Kim Saeng-min Resigns From Shows (Korea JoongAng Daily)

April 5: #MeToo Movement Engulfs South Korea's Workplace (Bloomberg)

April 6: #MeToo Comes to South Korea, Where an Economy Miracle Sidelined Women (The Financial Review)

April 7: Society Slowly Starting to Change After #MeToo (Korea JoongAng Daily)

April 9: Hushed Voices Frantically Look For Ways to Get Out of Trouble (Korea JoongAng Daily)

April 9: Protesters Show Support for #MeToo Victims (The Korea Times)

April 9: #MeToo Hits Universities (The Korea Times)

April 9: Korean Drug Rape Suspect Repatriated from Vietnam (The Korea Times)

April 10: Sex Offender Fled Abroad While Wearing Ankle Monitor (The Korea Herald)

April 11: Man with Anklet Evades Security at Incheon (Korea JoongAng Daily)

April 11: Korean Soccer Player Accused of Sex Assault Allowed to Leave Guam (The Korea Times)

April 11: Prosecutor Convicted of Sexual Misconduct (The Korea Times)

April 11: Lotte Sorry for Sexually Offensive Joke (The Korea Times)

April 14: Top Court Focuses on Victim in Harassment Case (Korea JoongAng Daily)

April 15: Scream Detection Devices Fraught With False Alarms (The Korea Herald)

April 16: Korean Murder Accused Dies in Custody in Hong Kong (The Korea Times)

April 17: The #MeToo Era Is Happening In South Korea Whether It's Ready For It Or Not (Buzz Feed)

April 18: Court Arraigns Ex-Prosecutor to Decide on Arrest Warrant (The Korea Herald)

April 18: Sexual Harassment: Hongdae a Hotbed of Secret Cameras (The Korea Times)

April 19: Star Baduk Player Accused of Rape (Korea JoongAng Daily)

April 20: Despite Ankle Monitors, Ex-Cons Fly Under Radar (Korea JoongAng Daily)

April 20: Court Denies Warrant for Prosecutor in #MeToo Case (Korea JoongAng Daily)

April 22: Nationwide Rally Rekindles #MeToo Movement (The Korea Times)

April 23: Professor Accused of Sexual Assault Sues Student for Defamation (The Korea Herald)

April 24: Man Arrested for Allegedly Selling Child Porn (The Korea Times)

April 26: Real Change on Campus Elusive Despite #MeToo Movement (The Korea Herald)

April 30: Spycam Porn Victims Support Program Launched in South Korea (The Korea Herald)

May 2: 80% of Koreans Support #MeToo Movement (The Korea Herald)

May 2: Prosecutor Who Ignited #MeToo in Korea Condemns Prosecution's Sexual Assault Probe (The Korea Herald)

May 2: Through Her Eyes (The Korea Herald)

May 3: Over 200,000 Sign Petition for Harsher Punishment to Child Rapists (The Korea Herald)

May 4: Assaulted & Insulted Firefighter Loses Her Life (Korea JoongAng Daily)

May 12: Short Track Coach Banned for Assaulting Athlete Lands China Job (The Korea Herald)

May 13: Man Gets 25-year Sentence for Beating Woman to Death (The Korea Herald)

May 13: Police Looking into Spycam Snaps of High School Dorm (The Korea Herald)

May 17: 6 in 10 Female Employees at Judicial Bodies Experienced Sexual Violence (The Korea Herald)

May 18: YouTuber's Revelations of Sexual Humiliation Go Viral (The Korea Times)

May 18: K-Pop Diva Suzy Stands Behind Sexually Harassed YouTuber (The Korea Times)

May 20: Largest Ever Women's Rally Protests Spy-Cam Pornography (The Korea Herald)

May 21: Women's March Photo (Korea JoongAng Daily)

May 21: Against South Korea's Spycam Porn Epidemic (Korea Expose)

May 21: South Korean Women Demand Equal Justice for Internet Sex Crimes Amid Spy-Cam Porn Epidemic (Telegraph)

May 22: Studio Threatens Legal Action Against Suzy (Korea JoongAng Daily)

June 5: Jeju Man Arrested for Allegedly Murdering Woman in 20s (The Korea Herald)

June 5: Prosecution Reopens Jang Ja-yeon Sexual Abuse Case (The Korea Herald)

June 5: Pernod Ricard Employees Accuse Senior Exec of Abuse (Korea JoongAng Daily)

June 5: Prosecution Will Begin Re-Investigating Jang Ja Yeon's Case From 9 Years Ago (KoreaBoo)

June 7: Korea's Legal System Makes it Easy to Target Those Who Have Come Forward With Sex Crime Allegations (Korea JoongAng Daily)
Man Arrested for Taking Upskirt Photos of Teen (The Korea Herald)

June 8: Professor Calls Students Pigs & Dogs (The Korea Herald)

June 11: Protesters Call Out Police Sexism (Korea JoongAng Daily)

June 12: #MeToo Misfire Threatens to Take Down Superstar Suzy

June 14: Vocalist Sentenced to 7-Year Jail Term for Sexual Assault (The Korea Herald)

June 19: Over Half of Women in Culture Sector Fell Victim to Sexual Violence (The Korea Herald)
Human Rights Agency to Root Out Sexual Harassment in Entertainment (The Korea Herald)

June 20: 11% of Public Servants Have Experienced Sexual Harassment (The Chosun Ilbo)

June 21: Actor Faces Rape Accusation From 16 years Ago (The Korea Times)