4-Week Weight Loss Challenge: Week 4!
Week 4 (Star Wars Week), Day 1: Wednesday, December 16. Week 4 began with just one Weetbix brick and a cup of tea. I was quite proud of that.
4-Week Weight Loss Challenge: Week 4! Read MoreMusic, Books, & Fitness!
Week 4 (Star Wars Week), Day 1: Wednesday, December 16. Week 4 began with just one Weetbix brick and a cup of tea. I was quite proud of that.
4-Week Weight Loss Challenge: Week 4! Read MoreWeek 3, Day 1: Wednesday, December 9: A chocolate protein shake with just the right amount of added coffee to start the day and third week of this rather delusional campaign:
4-Week Weight Loss Challenge: Week 3! Read MoreWeek 2 Day 1: Wednesday, December 2. Day one of week two at least began well, up until a point, with a healthy Weetbix breakfast and a cup of coffee in …
4-Week Weight Loss Challenge: Week 2! Read MoreI was told at a recent health check-up that I am 10 kilograms overweight. In my defence, I know I have higher than average muscle mass, but yes, I could …
4-Week Weight Loss Challenge: Week 1! Read MoreI bought some pancake mix recently and have been making tons of scrumptious banana pancakes. Here’s my secret recipe set to the groovy 1960s sounds of composer John Williams. Yum! …
How to Make a Delicious Banana Pancake! Read MoreI’ve been making myself banana smoothies for breakfast of late, and I believe my recipe is good enough to share with the world so that all may enjoy. Ingredients: 1 …
How To Make A Delicious Banana Smoothie! Read More