Week 2 Day 1: Wednesday, December 2. Day one of week two at least began well, up until a point, with a healthy Weetbix breakfast and a cup of coffee in my favourite cup:
I then walked to work where I rewarded myself with a black tea latte:
The day got even better with a super-healthy chicken and almond salad for lunch. Soon after, a wide student gifted me a mandarine.
And then things got crazy with free faculty meeting food which consisted of a yummy cheese bagel thing and two pieces of nice cold pizza. In my defense, I then walked home and promised no more food today. And that’s a promise I’ve so far (10 pm) kept.
Week 2 Day 2: Thursday, December 3. Two Weetbix (instead of three), one banana (instead of zero), and my now reliable and regular cup of morning coffee:
A free office coffee because it’s snowing outside and I walked to work. It wasn’t as big as it looks:
More healthy food to hopefully take me through till after I finish work at 4:15:
Another salad a little later followed by a necessary vanilla latte on account of the snow. Confession: I forgot to take a photo of my latte. I looked just like a regular latte.
Dinner, after a huge weights session consisted of half a portion of pepper chicken, vegies, and rice plus a protein shake. I hate the remaining half portion a couple of hours later after trying very hard to save it for tomorrow.
Week 2 Day 3: Friday, December 4: Two Weetbix sans banana because it wasn’t ripe enough plus my regular and reliable morning coffee:
A deserved black tea latte and some water while I did some work after walking to work:
I then bought yesterday’s healthy combo to take me through to the afternoon:
Salad number 2:
And a free coffee because the price was right:
Tonight’s dinner was the same as yesterday’s:
Week 2 Day 4: Saturday, December 5. A banana/Weetbix breakfast with my reliable cow coffee:
A banana mocha while reading some juicy Stephen King on my Kindle maintained the banana theme begun at breakfast:
A half dozen mandu set was next with a coffee milk I just had to have:
A salad sandwich that utilized half a chicken almond salad plus some drinking yogurt were consumed after a 45-minute cardio session:Next up (correction, down), a free dinner on account of my guitar playing skills:
Week 2 Day 5: Sunday, December 6. Another banana/Weetbix breakfast with my reliable cow coffee:
Another salad sandwich all wrapped up waiting to be secretly consumed at Starbucks:
Then some yummy baked beans and a cup of tea:
A Honey Milk gave me the energy I needed to walk to my office:
Another salad later in the afternoon and then a naughty American Milky Way bar which is oddly what we call Mars Bars in Australia. Australian Milky Ways are more like American Three Musketeers. Just a couple of life’s little mysteries.
A pretty decent workout followed in my local gym. I capped the day with a chocolate protein shake with a dash of coffee for some extra flavour and caffeine. That was supposed to be it for the day, but I ate just before midnight the 99 calorie bar I bought earlier for tomorrow’s brunch.
Week 2 Day 6: Monday, December 7. Same Weetbix and coffee breakfast and same photo:
Another free coffee to celebrate another safe and punctual arrival at work:
Brunch was a genuine Subway breakfast ham, cheese, and egg flat bread thing with avocado:
Another yummy salad after class with a naughty cheese bread thing plus a delicious black tea latte:
Some mandu a few hours later followed regretfully by a cheap egg bread thing plus a coffee milk with a message defining happiness. I walked home to make up for those last two indiscretions, but was that enough? I don’t think so.
Week 2 Day 7: Tuesday, December 8. Today began with a chocolate protein shake with a dash of coffee for taste and caffeine:
A few hours later, that was followed by a balancing balance bar and a yummy yoghurt drink:
Next up, just before my 12 o’clock class, another salad!
One of my students tried to bribe me:Another saladish thing followed by a new chocolate latte that I just had to try:
Week 2 ended with a very Italian dinner:
I still don’t think I have this whole diet thing down, but I am eating more salads at least, and I am walking more. On the other hand, I have been going to the gym less frequently. Week 3 will be a better week…