August started poorly fitness wise but great music wise with a trip to Japan to see Steve Vai in Tokyo and Yokohama. And then a severe common cold struck me my last day in Japan, resulting in a further week of inactivity. By the time I returned to the gym, the month was almost half over…
Tuesday, August 13: Legs, abs, and sides, and after a two-week break. Coupled with the heat, I have to say that almost killed me.
Wednesday, August 14: Chest, shoulders, triceps, and a 1.5 kilometre run which again almost killed me.
Friday, August 16: Back biceps, lower back, traps, lats, sides, and another sprint (I think “sprint” is the right word).
Saturday, August 17: Abs, calves, a ten-minute run, and lots of skipping. I need to skip more.
Monday, August 19: Legs and a 1-kilometre sprint. I’m too lazy to elaborate further:
Tuesday, August 20: Chest, shoulders, triceps, some skipping, and a 5-minute sprint:
Thursday, August 22: Back biceps, traps, lats (actually I don’t remember exactly) and sprint which I do remember. It went something like this:
Monday, August 26: Chest, shoulders, triceps, sides, calves, and my now regular 1.2ish kilometre sprint:
Tuesday, August 27: An afternoon workout at Itewon Hotel to make up for a frightening breakfast consisting of a chocolate shake and cupcakes in jars. To punish myself I went a little crazy in the gym with a super back, lats, traps, biceps, lower back, and forearms workout. Very sore the next day as I type this. Oach.
Wednesday, August 28: Legs and a steep 2 kilometer uphill treadmill trek: