February 2020 Fitness Diary!

Saturday, Feb. 1: The month began with a 40-minute weights session. A cardio session is overdue, but I didn’t have enough time today, so just weights: back, lats, traps, biceps, calves, weightless squats, hamstrings, sides, lower back, and forearms.

Tuesday, Feb. 4: An hour of weights from 9 – 10 at night: chest, shoulders, traps, triceps, sides, lower back, calves, and a few sets of weightless squats.

Wednesday, Feb. 5: My first cardio session of the month took place between a legs workout that involved hamstring curls, weightless squats, leg extensions, and calf raises. The cardio session itself was 11 minutes long.

Saturday, Feb. 8: A quick 30-minute workout before dinner: back, lats, traps, biceps, sides, and lower back.

Sunday, Feb. 9: I started the day with two sets of push ups (46 & 15) about a minute apart. I walked 12.2 kilometers throughout the day.

Tuesday, Feb. 11: Seventy minutes of weights in the evening: chest, shoulders, triceps, traps, forearms, sides, lower back, calves, and some weightless squats.

Wednesday, Feb. 12: A short run and then some weights for legs: hamstrings and weightless squats.

Monday, Feb. 17: Back in the gym after a busy few days finishing work and then flying home. A set of around 45 push-ups in the morning was followed by a weights session: back, lats, lower back, sides, abs, biceps, forearms, calves, and a couple of light sets of weightless squats.

Tuesday, Feb. 18: The day began again with a set of push-ups and then to the gym later in the day where I just had time for a 25-minute workout: chest, shoulders, triceps, traps, and another couple of sets of weightless squats.

Wednesday, Feb. 19: Back doing cardio today with a 7-minute run, but the main focus was on weights: sides, lower back, calves, thighs and hamstrings. Perhaps a little too much lower back.

Thursday, Feb. 20: Another short but intense weights session due to time constraints: back, lats, biceps, and forearms. In other news, I bought two new workout singlets and a pair of headphones built especially for the gym. I’m in love with them

Friday, Feb. 21: Another short and intense workout and my fifth workout in five days: chest, shoulders, triceps, traps, some weightless squats, and a set of calf raises.

Saturday, Feb. 22: Today’s workout began with an 8-minute run and as followed by 45-minutes of weights: sides, abs, calves, weightless squats, leg extensions, and hamstring curls.

Sunday, Feb. 23: Seventh workout in seven days: back, lats, traps, biceps, forearms, and a little lower back.

Monday, Feb. 24: Eighth workout in eight days: My longest and fastest run in a while (12 minutes and faster than 12 kph pace), and due to time constraints some light shoulder exercises and a set of 45 push ups.

Wednesday, Feb. 26: Some light weights in a small gym: chest, shoulders, traps, triceps, abs, weightless squats, biceps, and back.

Friday, Feb. 28: Back in my neighborhood gym for weights and cardio. The weights session consisted of back, lats, biceps, a little traps, and calves. The cardio was a 7-minute run.

Saturday, Feb. 29: The last day of the month was celebrated with a weights session: chest, shoulders, triceps, sides, weightless squats, leg extensions, hamstring curls, and a light set of back extensions. I was pretty happy with my efforts in February.

