Monday, March 2: I have no idea how March will end, but fitness wise, the month began with an evening weights session: back, lats, traps, biceps, sides, abs, lower back, forearms, calves, and a few light sets of weightless squats. I’m a fan of weightless squats.
Tuesday, March 3: Another evening weights session: chest, shoulders, triceps, traps, weightless squats, hamstrings, and a couple of sets of calf raises.
Wednesday, March 4: Another evening workout: sides, lower back, calves, and a 10-minute run.
Friday March 6: A short evening workout: back, lats, traps, biceps, a little forearms, some calf raises, and some weightless squats.
Sunday, March 8: Well, a week into March and life in Seoul isn’t too abnormal. I’m still avoiding public transport, but avoiding the gym is another matter. Today, I completed a 45-minute workout: chest, shoulders, triceps, traps, sides, lower back, a little lower abs, some weightless squats, and calf raises.
Monday, March 9: A 50-minute workout was completed in the afternoon: back, lats, biceps, forearms, and some ab work.
Tuesday. March 10: Two runs: a slower 10-minute run and a faster 2-minute run. And in between and after, a lot of calf raises and one set of lower back extensions.
Wednesday, March 11: An hour in the gym left me feeling quite exhausted, and for the first time in a long time, I felt the need for some Powerade. Weights and cardio was on today’s menu: chest, shoulders, triceps, traps, sides, lower abs, abs, weightless squats, hamstring curls, and a pretty fast 2.5-minute run.
Friday, March 13: A shorter weights session that lasted about 30 minutes and then included back, lats, biceps, and lower back. I ended with another short run.
Saturday, March 14: Only time for a quick 20-minute workout: sides, lower back again, calves, squats – some weightless, and hamstrings.
Monday, March 16: An hour and 15 minutes in the gym: chest, shoulders, triceps, traps, calves, hamstrings, weightless squats, and a 6-minute run.
Tuesday, March 17: Just an eight minute treadmill session.
Wednesday, March 18: A 55-minute intense weights session was gloriously completed before pizza: back, lats, traps, biceps, forearms, calves, lower back, sides, and lower abs.
Thursday, March 19: A five-minute run followed by some weightless and weighted squats, some leg presses, and hamstring curls.
Saturday, March 21: A weights session and another short quickish run: chest, shoulders, triceps, traps, lower back, and a 3-minute run.
Monday, March 23: About 40 minutes of weights: back, lats, biceps, sides, lower back, calves, traps, and forearms.
Tuesday, March 24: Weightless squats, hamstring curls, abs, lower abs, one set of side extensions, and another three-minute run.
Friday, March 27: An hour of weights: chest, shoulders, triceps, traps, calves, lower abs, sides, and abs. I finished the session with a five-minute run.
Saturday, March 28: Forty minutes of weights: back, lats, biceps, weightless squats, hamstrings, lower back, and forearms.
Monday, March 30: Forty-five minutes of weights was really just forty five procrastination. But it was an intense and different workout. I jumbled up my usual order: shoulders, triceps, traps, sides, calves, and chest. That order felt completely different, and I really felt it in my shoulders. That was it for the month. Lots of exercise, too much food, and thankfully no Corona virus.