Thursday, May 2: May’s fitness campaign began with an evening weights session (back, biceps, traps, lats, lower back, sides, and calves) followed by an uphill treadmill trek which concluded with a little sprint:

Friday, May 3: 2.7 kilometre sprint!

Saturday, May 4: A legs workout followed by a three kilometre uphill treadmill trek. And let’s not forget that I strapped 12 kilograms onto my back for the first 15 minutes of that treadmill session:

Thursday, May 9: Back exercising after a few days off due to busyness and my attendance at a rather large two-night cult event^^ I did do a lot of walking at least, mainly due to getting lost while trying to find the venue. Thursday’s workout consisted of a light chest and shoulders workout followed by two sprints. And I noticed today for the first time that my favourite treadmill isn’t at all accurate at speeds around and above 15 kph.

Saturday, May 11: My usual back workout (lats, traps, biceps, lower back, and traps) and a super-fast 1.2-kilometre sprint on the more accurate treadmill:

Sunday, May 12: To the Hamilton Hotel for a chest, shoulders, and triceps workout capped off by a steep 2 kilometre treadmill trek:

Monday, May 13: Super legs workout (perhaps my hardest ever!), sides, and a 1.6-kilometre sprint which confirmed that treadmill is not accurate at super-high speeds:

Wednesday, May 15: An impressive afternoon lats, back, biceps, traps, and lower back workout before meeting student tutors at 6:30 pm.
Thursday, May 16: Abs, calves, and two fast breathtaking sprints (1.5k and 1k):

Saturday, May 18: If memory serves, and I’m not sure it does, today’s workout was my normal intense chest, shoulders, and triceps routine.
Sunday, May 19: I didn’t make it to the gym, but I did wander around Gangnam listening to music (no, not that) for three hours.
Monday, May 20: Weight! Back, biceps, traps, lats, abs, lower back, sides, and calves!
Tuesday, May 21: A legs workout followed by a steep and consequently slow 2-kilometre treadmill hike:

Friday, May 24: Chest, shoulders, triceps, abs, sides, core, and a 1 k sprint!

And that was it for the month due to a big looming deadline at work that required a lot of procrastination. In addition, my attendance was required at my university’s spring semester festival.