Thursday, December 3: A weights session started the month: back, lats, biceps, sides, lower back, thighs, calves, and hamstrings.
Friday, December 4: Back doing cardio after a wee break, but it was a pretty short effort due to some unexpected wheezing that cut my fast run short:
Saturday, December 5: This was the cardio workout I should have had yesterday: 750 calories burnt in total across two sessions separated by a call from nature. I neglected to take the first display screenshot, but I honestly stopped after burning exactly 500 calories. Both session consisted of uphill quick walks that ended with some serious uphill running:
Sunday, December 6: A pretty solid all-round workout followed by a short steep cardio session made all the more difficult because I exercised my legs beforehand. Tonight’s session involved chest, shoulders, triceps, traps, quads, inner thighs, calves, hamstrings, just a couple of sets of sides and lower back extensions plus the previously mentioned short cardio session. I also worked to the gym and my office. A little over an hour of walking all up.
Wednesday, December 9: A quick evening treadmill session after a long day at the office interviewing thousands of students:
Friday, December 11: Tonight’s weights session consisted of exercises for my lats, back, biceps, and lower back!
Sunday, December 13: Two treadmill sessions with a bit of core work in between:
Wednesday, December 16: A short cardio session and some chest, shoulders, traps, and triceps:
Saturday, December 19: A light back, lats, biceps, lower back, and sides workout followed by short, steep cardio session:
Sunday, December 20: Just cardio today:
Monday, December 21: Cardio again!
Tuesday, December 22: A solid weights workout today, my first in a while: chest, shoulders, traps, triceps, thighs, hamstrings, calves, lower back, sides, and lower abs.
Thursday, December 24: Best core workout in months. Why don’t I do that more often? Sides, abs, lower abs, lower back, calves, a couple of sets of forearm things, and a short cardio session (my 850th since record keeping began) to finish up:
Saturday, December 26: An evening weights session after a Christmas that was a little too merry: back, lats, biceps, and forearms.
Monday, December 28: A short weights session (chest, shoulders, triceps, traps, and calves) and a short cardio workout which strangely left me wheezing. I think the air pollution must be up again. I also walked a lot yesterday and this morning if that counts.
Wednesday, December 30: A solid core and calves workout followed by a rather short treadmill session:
Thursday, December 31: I ended the year by walking to and from the gym where I exercised my lats, back, biceps, calves, thighs, inner thighs, and hamstrings. And that’s it for 2015. According to my collection of cardio photos, I did 124 cardio sessions in 2015, more than in the previous two years. Well done! keep up the good work – and try to eat better to less!