May 2014 Fitness Diary!
Thursday, May 1: I began May with a legs workout and a short sprint, and it’s hard to spring after doing legs:
May 2014 Fitness Diary! Read MoreMusic, Books, & Fitness!
Thursday, May 1: I began May with a legs workout and a short sprint, and it’s hard to spring after doing legs:
May 2014 Fitness Diary! Read MoreTuesday, April 1: Back exercising after one rest day to recover from Sunday’s full half marathon: shoulders, chest, triceps, sides, and lower back.
April 2014 Fitness Diary! Read MoreWe’re Bach! Finally, a free evening to devote to my music career:
Prelude in C (A Divine Duet for Two Pleasant Peters) Read MoreSunday, March 2: I started March with a pretty intense weights session at the Hamilton Hotel: back, biceps, lats, traps, forearms, and calves. I had hoped to start March’s campaign …
March 2014 Fitness Diary! Read MoreSaturday, February 1: A whole lot of walking today. I actually went to Itewon intending to go to the gym, but when push came to shrove, I decided to go …
February 2014 Fitness Diary! (Incomplete) Read MoreThis mournful piece from John Williams’ score for Lincoln (2012) sounds better sans guitar. Unfortunately, something went wrong with the recording as the guitar should sound much, much, much, and …
The Blue & The Grey (A Duet for Two Peters) Read MoreWednesday, January 1: 2014 began in my trusty Sunday and public holiday gym in Itewon with a sharp chest, shoulders, triceps, and lower abs workout. 2014 will be the year …
January 2014 Fitness Diary! Read MoreThis took me months to learn on piano, and as usual I messed it up a little with the camera on. Still, it was a fun piece to play, and …
Toreador Song from Carmen (A Terrific Trio for Three Peters) Read More