Monday, March 1:
Monday/Tuesday (March 1 & 2): Busy days, I’m just noting my fasting lengths for the next few days. My next fast was just over 20 hours.
Tuesday/Wednesday (March 2 & 3): Wednesday’s breakfast broke a fast that was almost 22 hours long.
Wednesday/Thursday (March 3 & 4): An afternoon breakfast on Thursday broke my first 24 hour + fast of the month. 24 42
Thursday/Friday (March 4 & 5):
Friday/Saturday (March 5 & 6): A shorter fast as I decided some breakfast was in order earlyish in the day, and I don’t think I should fast for 20-22 hours every day. The fast was broken with a simple meal of ham and cheese toast and a cup of coffee.
Saturday/Sunday (March 6 & 7): A large lunch a little later in the day I’m sure fulfilled my nutritional requirements and the fasting clock began again just after 3 p.m. A few minor indescretions followed: a piece of chocolate gifted me to in the afternoon and in the morning, a coffee with a splash of milk and a spoonful of pumpkin soup, but they were all too small to bother my fast as far as I was concerned.
Sunday/Monday (March 7 & 8):
Monday/Tuesday (March 8 & 9): Today’s fast started early before noon and it ended first thing in the morning 19 hours and 12 hours after it began. That fast included an intense workout, but I still feel that I’ve lost some of my recent weightloss momentum.
Tuesday/Wednesday (March 9 & 10): The day’s fast begun later at 5:19 p.m. and this fast will also include an intense weights session.
Wednesday/Thursday (March 10 & 11):
Thursday/Friday (March 11 & 12):
Friday/Saturday March 12 & 13):
Saturday/Sunday (March 13 & 14): A shorter fast as I decided a home cooked meal was in order.
Sunday/Monday (March 14 & 15): Sunday’s fast started at 1:34 p.m., and I feel it’s time for maybe another longer fast.
Monday/Tuesday (March 15 & 16): I’m too busy these days to go into any details.
Tuesday/Wednesday (March 16 & 17):
Wednesday/Thursday (March 17 & 18):
Thursday/Friday (March 18 & 19):
Friday/Saturday (March 19 & 20):
Saturday/Sunday (March 20 & 21):
Sunday/Monday (March 21 & 22): I’m too busy these days to go into any details.
Monday/Tuesday (March 22 & 23):
Tuesday/Wednesday (March 23 & 24):
Wednesday/Thursday (March 24 & 25):
Thursday/Friday (March 25 & 26):
Friday/Saturday (March 26 & 27):
Saturday/Sunday (March 27 & 28):
Sunday/Monday (March 28 & 29):
Monday/Tuesday (March 29 & 30):
Tuesday/Wednesday (March 30 & 31):
Wednesday, March 31: