May 2017 Fitness Diary!
Monday, May 1: I made it to the gym after a huge power nap in my office and despite a lingering, annoying cold. The nap did me good though, and I ended …
May 2017 Fitness Diary! Read MoreMusic, Books, & Fitness!
Monday, May 1: I made it to the gym after a huge power nap in my office and despite a lingering, annoying cold. The nap did me good though, and I ended …
May 2017 Fitness Diary! Read MoreSaturday, April 1: April began in fine fashion with a record-breaking 116 treadmill minutes split over two sessions separated by a shower and half a protein bar. (Cumulative Total: 116) Sunday, …
April 2017 Fitness Diary! Read MoreWednesday, March 1: March began with a bang with 81 treadmill minutes, core, calves, forearms, another 28 treadmill minutes, and a little more weights. (Cumulative Total: 109) Thursday, March 2: …
March 2017 Fitness Diary! Read MoreWednesday, February 1: I had planned to exercise today, but, well, the “but” explains it. Looking on the bright side, I will start February’s fitness campaign tomorrow fully rested. Thursday, …
February 2017 Fitness Diary! Read MoreMy goal for the year is to weigh X kilograms by the end of 2017. That will require a monthly weight loss of 1.1 kilograms. That is an achievable goal …
January 2017 Fitness Diary! Read MoreThursday, December 1: A sweaty start to the month with 24 treadmill minutes: Friday, December 2: Ditto.
December 2016 Fitness Diary! Read MoreTuesday, November 1: I began November’s fitness campaign with a rest day. Wednesday, November 2: Twenty-two treadmill minutes was today’s effort. I really need to eat less (and exercise more). Thursday, …
November 2016 Fitness Diary! Read MoreSaturday, October 1: I’m still weary of weights due to a lateral muscle strain, but the treadmill doesn’t bother it, so on one I hopped to start October’s fitness campaign: Sunday, …
October 2016 Fitness Diary! Read More